Sunday, November 16, 2014

Maka Angola has learned along circles of Celtic, the laboratory has a triangular active participati

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National Police officers murdered young ind ... Maka Angola, June 4, 2014
For several strep throat months, the head of Military Intelligence and Security (SISM), Gen. Anthony strep throat "Joe" Maria, has been leading a laboratory of ideas in order to create a climate of instability within the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) in order to justify purges. This strategy is known as "purification FAA".
The initiative also aims to implement distraction maneuvers before the worsening socio-economic situation strep throat of the majority of citizens and the perceived inability of the government response. By the same route, strep throat it seeks to divert attention on the great uncertainty that hangs within the MPLA and society about the retirement of President José Eduardo dos Santos.
Maka Angola has learned along circles of Celtic, the laboratory has a triangular active participation of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Patriotic Education, General Egidio de Sousa Santos "Discipline," and responsible for the Office of Security Studies Security of the House of the President, Lieutenant General João António Santana strep throat "Lungo".
The fundamental strategy is to force the triumvirate of generals connotation coming strep throat from UNITA, under the peace accords with the political leadership of UNITA and promote them as a permanent threat to the MPLA's hold on power, especially in the post-Dos Santos .
The current Chief of the General Staff of FAA (CEMGFAA), General Geraldo Nunda Sachipengo, is the main target of the campaign of intrigue. General Nunda defected UNITA in 1993, joined the government forces and was instrumental in the destruction of the war machine of his former commander-in-chief, Jonas Savimbi.
According to information distributed by the laboratory at the level of FAA, General Nunda has been to favor the formation and promotion of officials of UNITA, in order to effectively strep throat control the army and thereby facilitate the seizure of power by military means.
The SISM already pulled their structures relief officials coming from UNITA. Moreover, contrary to the Constitution, which establishes the non-partisanship of the FAA, General Ze Maria has organized and chaired regular meetings of the MPLA, the premises of SISM in which all officers are required to attend, on pain of being punished as unfair. "Here strep throat we have to be pure," has said the general in those caucuses. The generals "from" as they are called in FAA have expressed vigorously their discontent with the president.
At the last meeting of the Board of staffs, held at the Navy Command of Angola in Luanda's advisor CEMGFAA, strep throat General Isidro Pilgrim Chindondo Wambu, took the floor and expressed his indignation. "Chief, we need to know whether the FAA, we are still together or not" - so Wambu summoned his superior, General Nunda.
The answer of General Nunda was asking patience to his counselor. Nunda spoke about the severity strep throat of the intrigues that seek political instability within the FAA and referred to the absence at the meeting of its promoters. "The case is now on the president's desk," concluded CEMGFAA.
Beyond the climate of intrigue, discontent among the officers coming from UNITA is compounded by the harsh regime of surveillance which are subject strep throat by SISM and open partisanship FAA generals who identify themselves as leaders of the MPLA, as the very Ze Maria. General Egidio de Sousa Santos and "Discipline", for example, came to accumulate for several years, the FAA senior positions with the political position of member of the MPLA Central Committee.
Three generals have received special attention from the SISM, including General Wambu, counselor d

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