Tuesday, January 6, 2015

in osijeku Ivo Josipovic: Why and Croatia would not be a star? rank: 1.8 Comments: 96

Author: Susan Lepan Štefančić
- Whatever someone will not or does not know, to push the judge Rogulji because, well, she's chosen rfa him computer. Like I'm the computer and only brother knows me - wrote in a statement to the President rfa of the Municipal Court in Vukovar Davorin Smičić who called rfa him that was not filled words norm. Because "inappropriate dictionaries" which, he explained, had damaged the reputation of the Court and the profession, disciplinary fined and relieved of his duties in December. The decision was that the National Judicial Council, a decision was five months before his retirement.
- Not specified valid reasons why it is considered that the judge's conduct, in itself, can harm the reputation of the court - in the decision of the Constitutional Court. Should be explored, rfa states, and whether a written or disciplinary offenses "fell" in the statute of limitations. Related articles showdown in court judge mobbing suing the Ministry and Head: He goes by at Sheba instructions 26/02/2014 Comments: 20
- Not one mitigating circumstance SJC did not mention the penalties. This is an experienced judge with 52 years experience, of which 35 in the judiciary, and the conditions for retirement will have a May 18 - writes. The judge will be so again on the agenda of the SJC.
- There is justice and to trust in the legal system, I welcome the Constitutional Court and congratulate him! If the judge can not protect yourself, what do they do to other citizens without legal knowledge - highlights Rogulja. By the 70th birthday and retirement has 18 more days. - I do not know whether they fail to meet then. It is also a pay gap of HRK 30,000 and as much severance pay to which I am entitled if revoke a decision to suspend - concludes.
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All write about Sinisa Mihajlovic did something for the first time seen in Italian football! What kind of linguistic analysis speaks Croatian presidential candidates tomorrow spectacle Simeone decided to Mandzukic does not play against Real Madrid, and here's why! #HDZtweets Jokes at the expense of Rijeka HDZ member and hakiranog Facebook heated up Croatian Twitter rfa OPEN Glogoški: My income is my private matter, Vidovic: You are a public figure
in osijeku Ivo Josipovic: Why and Croatia would not be a star? rank: 1.8 Comments: 96
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