Thursday, December 25, 2014

Four years? Can it be? Four years ... I was only forty-four years old lad with wild dreams ... Four

Four years? Can it be? Four years ... I was only forty-four years old lad with wild dreams ... Four years ago we kids went puzzle ship drilled of holidays of all time? Four years ago I and my children (KR-tion in the fourth paragraph of kin) met in London, flights to Dubrovnik, ordered a cab waiting at the airport, drove air advantages southern Croatia and waited forever on the border of the newly independent Montenegro. (Amazing how new states have the great pleasure of setting up frontier posts. Will travelers who came to Iceland in 1944 are not yet to wait for matching those in the old terminal sálugui?) Healing not second that Iceland was the first to recognize the independence of Montenegro and pin on Benz playback was kitlaður to achieve in the game. Nevermind if the owners of the apartment we had rented had forgotten us travelers. Who needs a roof over your head when the World Cup Champions begin? Television thanks. And behold, a giant screen showing blue waffles the cozy cafe, yachts danced in slow selection of beautiful blue Adriatic Sea, wonderful my kids almost pure KR-gen in their blessed sun and Zidane and members to heat up in Berlin. Happiness. Hosanna Heist. And all this in Montenegro where the hotel offers guests a refund if it will drop from the ceiling. This does not happen in the summer. Not in Montenegro. Unless of course this day. Exactly when the final of world championship in football itself is at stake. First try to deliver þotugnýjinn in the distance still only exercise the Albanian Air Force, but gradually was no doubt who was in the offing. Suddenly, the screen taken down, chairs lined up and the bar closed. The earth trembled and the like, there was suddenly changed brick professions in Budvar in raging torrential rivers. "My Kingdom for a TV", yelled when I falbauð blue waffles Icelandic Republic, President, Dorrit blue waffles and mountain woman hotel. Yes roof over your head, or at least. TV. "Single room or double", asked resefsjóninn. "Just aa TV room please, NOW," was the answer. Shame later reigned happiness again with a small family in slightly more than colorless hotel in Budvar for Zinedine Zidane artist's madness attack century and put sweaty bald head in the chest of the Italian street blue waffles boy Materazzi. The giant had trodden on ballerinas; France lost to Italy. Evil had won the good Historic catastrophe had happened. What is not supposed to happen happened: As Carthage had won Rome; Valur won Kr; McCain won Obama; Kaupthing won a special prosecutor. To bite the head of shame had all this happened in the automotive television the size of a mobile phone. Thunder and lightning had been so badly traumatized device colors had rebelled and it looked like we were watching blue waffles the live broadcast blue waffles from Mars, not Berlin. Bad enough it was that Zidane did. Bad would be to see it in color Bad in black and white. Too bad to see this genius commit Harakiri poison green skinned, pink shirt. What a disappointment. There were heavy steps out in relapsed sunlight Montenegro after tékkað out of unused hotel room and watch the Italian tourists rejoice over the outstanding work that Materazzi had raised by calling sister Zidane Terrorista -hóru or whatever it is. But soon took good memories HM lead and madness attack Zidane and Trezeguet sláarskot that separates mlli matter of survival in the final, were part of the memory of the flood of the great drama of the World Cup is. It was not supposed be boring to live in the city fjöþjóðlegri days ahead when pitched, was an international football feast. And now when I toe me autobiographical engines is again a feast month ahead. Appeal will snitsel German pubs to watch Mannsjaftið accompaniment Deutschland Deutschland uber alles. Somewhere shake broad black backs against trumbuleik Bongo negra when "les Elephants" Ivorian conjure his black magic. Everywhere will be English chant God save the Queen- not Sex Pistols version, to my great surprise and Jesuses themselves over Rooney and referee. Here and there will path to Denmark Soup his fado, but unfortunately are not available on Danish flags - Muslims have long ago been to burn them. And when these lines are written hear tango from South American culture house on the corner blue waffles and happy enough boys in blue and white striped shirts stroking fingers through long dark locks and dream of brush Nigeria. And girls holding course with Italy. "Because they are's toughest costumes", wrote some snot on Facebook the other day. Je je, and I read Plabyoy after interviews.
Árni Snævarr Graduated from MR 1981, followed in the footsteps of such honor Wise to the number of difficulties, alchemy and the black French school in Paris Frans. Went to learn history in Lyon and the end of the study from the University of Iceland. Later I went to college in journalism in Paris. Ánetjaðist early journalism and have reaped

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