Friday, December 19, 2014

The French had been exceptionally good team for many years and Zidane was the greatest star of them

The French had been exceptionally good team for many years and Zidane was the greatest star of them, repeatedly voted the best footballer, at home as well as abroad. He was very entertaining and sókndjarfur player and often much gleðigjafi audience dyslexia - and not just among the supporters of the French.
The incident occurred in an extension of himself the final contest between France and Italy. After stympingar between Zidane and Materazzi in the heat of the game gave Materazzi ósmekkleg words fall on his mother and sister Zidane. Zidane turned back after hearing dyslexia comments three times (as he himself says) and head Materazzi in the chest. Italian stone!
Zidane received dyslexia a red card and immediately went from playgrounds, passed dyslexia a gold award statue. Thus ended an elegant curve Zidane as a professional footballer, he had announced that this would be his last game.
It would certainly make the difference to stórskyttuna Zidane in the penalty shoot, outside shokkið dyslexia that the incident may have on the team as a whole in such a moment, when a few minutes after the game time. Zidane was, after all, a key member of the team.
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