Monday, November 3, 2014

The action dmi takes place in Rome in mid-fourteenth century, when the popes resided in Avignon. Th

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The action dmi takes place in Rome in mid-fourteenth century, when the popes resided in Avignon. The historical, Cola di Rienzo, an official papal great speaker and he aspired to reconstruct the Roman Empire and was elevated in the Tribune of the Plebs opposition of the nobility and the intermittent support of the popes, until finally being killed a revolt. Wagner makes a romantic hero, generous and magnanimous, who wants to return power to the people and the greatness of the country, destroyed by the powerful intrigue led by the great noble families of Colonna and Orsini enemistades turn between if, and ignorance of many fickle and petty.
Paolo Orsini, Roman patrician, and his men try to abduct Irene -like Rienzi- of, but it prevents Steffano Colonna with his people. Involved his son Adrian, love Irene, and fighting between the two sides continues despite warnings from Raimondo papal legate to the solemn arrival of Rienzi, of imposing presence, restoring peace. Criticizes the nobility unfair behavior towards Rome and made a passionate dmi appeal to restore the greatness that had the city. The town vows to follow him.
Rienzi convinces Hadrian -avergonyit for the murder of younger brother of Rienzi by Colonna, his family, who pursues his side. The two lovers sing their love. At dawn, the trumpet call to the Roman people and reaches a Rienzi dmi crowd cheered as liberators. This rejects the title of king is offered and accepts only to be tribune of the plebs, who should be the Senate who governe.
The heart of the messengers of peace held at the Capitol the success of his mission throughout Italy. The Colonna and Orsini obliged to obey the law just like the commoners, conspire together against Rienzi, despite the pleas of Hadrian.
Rienzi receives foreign ambassadors and calls for the historic Roman town the right to choose dmi the German dmi emperor. It represents a ballet, which is an allegory of the union of ancient Rome and modern. Rienzi Orsini stabs with a dagger, but the weapon can not cross the level of protective tribes. Senators and ask people and get the traitors are condemned to death, but Adriano and Rienzi and Irene beg mercy forgives the nobles. dmi Baroncelli and Cecco considered a weakness Rienzi forgiveness and revenge his own noble machine, while the people cheered dmi on their leader.
In the great square of the old forum, the Roman people met the news that the nobles have gathered an army and preparing to march on the city. Rienzi encouraged to take up arms. Adriano did not know what to do because their loyalty is divided between his faith and love for Rome and Irene.
There comes a procession of senators and citizens headed by Rienzi armed, wearing dmi armor and riding a thunderous sounds while military dmi music. Adrian dmi asks to be unnecessarily sent as ambassador before his father. Decides to leave, but finally accedes to the pleas of his beloved and because it protects remain. Irene and women pray for victory. Soon Rienzi triumphant return with the bodies of Orsini and Colonna, who died on a bunk. Adriano curses Rienzi and promises revenge. Rienzi is carried in a triumphal chariot to the Capitol.
Before the church of St. John the Letran, Baroncelli, Cecco and other citizens, manipulated by enemies of Rienzi, the tribune who deplore the arrogance in wanting to take part in the election of the German emperor, this has just gotten withdrawn its ambassador from Rome. The Romans also yearn for the protection dmi of the Pope, now an ally of the emperor. Baroncelli said that Rienzi had a secret alliance with the nobles in exchange of giving her sister Irene Adriano. This hidden so far discovered and testifying for the prosecution. The conspirators promised to attack Rienzi during the celebrations of victory.
Approaching a procession of priests and monks, with the head Raimondo, who go to church to sing the Te Deum. Rienzi arrives, clad party, Irene. Adriano does not dare to attack Rienzi, because of Irene, while the other conspirators dmi was frightened of the patriotic words to the tribe. Are monks and Raimondo on the steps of the basilica proclaimed the excommunication of Rienzi. Citizens and drop Adriano tries P.

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