The eyes are the windows through which the brain peek over the world. abortion It is estimated that up to 30% of the cortex involved in moving color image formation and interpretation. When I recently sought the world's most efficient computer (equivalent to about 250 000 laptop computer power) to replicate only 1%, the amount of brain cells by the second set of data processing, the time it took 40 minutes. Eye of the processing of data related to, among other things, the automatic distance, abortion pupil size and moving the muscles controlling the eyes and the eyes of an undetected high-speed vibration generation, which allows for continuous vision. abortion In addition, the brain must be interpreted in view of, for example, read the text and view it must be remembered, either for a short time or permanently. Automatic eye blinking does not bother watching it, as the previous image stored in the memory räpyttämisen time.
Current abortion Biology, a scientific journal published by German researchers in recent brain research shows that our eyes are nothing short of magical ingeniously designed. Photons brought by the information which is astonishingly versatile in silmänpohjissa which naturalists have sometimes argued that "poorly designed". Silmänpohjissa occurring image processing, the scale is mind-boggling. The retina of the second coming billion-photon cascade is divided there are about 20 different channels for image processing before sending the information to the cortex. abortion The researchers describe two such channel activity and call the findings "almost magic". They find that we watched at the same time, and we enjoyed the magnificent three-dimensional image sharpness that the excellence and rapid resolution of the - the difference between the capacity. Simultaneous depth and speed are possible in the retina of installed parallel imaging channels, thanks. These are immediately available for retinal bipolar cells. Each channel consists of various types of retinal cells. Each of them to convey the image of a particular characteristic, such as observed in the edge direction of movement or color. Retinal cells are 20 different types. Parasol investigators describe cells that are responsible for the rapid and somewhat imprecise and image processing midget cells, which correspond to the slow and inspect the image.
The above-mentioned cells is first mounted in parallel with the bipolar cells (sensory cells and amacrine cells skipped). Secondly, they are also fitted in series with respect to amacrine cells (bipolar and ganglion cells skipped). Third, the bipolar cells produced by the electric current waveform has an important role. This, in turn, depends on the waveform of the bipolar nerve cells in a specific manner täsmämuotoisten mounted on the properties of ion channels. These channels, which are located in front of the parasol cells are responsive to and can produce strong and of short duration abortion electrical discharges. Midget cells mounted on the front of the channels, in turn, behave in a controlled and almost completely "passive". Still electrically resembles a drawing, which is included in the signal formats.
These recent findings confirm the view quickly the eyes of computerized systems. The researchers are omitted abortion at all the word "evolution", but the structures described by the term "retinal bipolar cells of the design." Observed in the electricity power variable speed of delivery of cells in different parts is essential when figuring abortion out what to bipolar cells actually do. They are not mere passive communication cables, but in the event of significant data pre-processing. It is a complex formed by the neural network control system, referred to as the English term inner plexiform layer. The magic of assets is predominantly expressed in neural pathways formed abortion by the ends of the "wiring diagram". It can be seen from the technical ingenuity, which will make miracles. Every detail is the result of a major. Everything is done in the retina. The ingenious information processing continues to the cerebral cortex and then to the rest of the brain, where the visual information obtained is expected to meaning.
A recent study has revealed more about the magic of cortical visual area. From there, the information found in sealing mechanism that transmits visual information to the brain resulting effectively summarized. Dr. Dirk Jancke explains: "Naturally, we assume that the sense of sight provides us with a continuous stream of images in the same way as a video camera. We have now been able to show that the cerebral cortex to eliminate the excess image data and save energy by sending the altered images slower pace. A mechanism similar to the film used sealing methods. Immutable parts of the image there is no need to convey a continuous flow, the brain of that information is already in place. Subtracting abortion two consecutive images of each other, the brain's visual area needs to be sent forward only to become part of the image. The event, however, the time provided. If an image change is less than 30 millis
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