People with hearing loss should ncbi make more effort to communicate properly in your day. In the case of severe hearing loss, even using headphones, the person must use communication strategies to improve comprehension of messages. We consider the following tips if you want to effectively communicate with a person who suffers ncbi hearing ncbi loss.
Such as people with normal hearing people suffering hearing loss, see beneficiaries at the time to understand the message ncbi if the person speak clearly and make it understandable. Many times we think that if we raise the tone of voice, the person who uses hearing aids will understand better. Nothing could be further from the truth. Shouting ncbi does not cause an improvement of the understanding, but can cause discomfort or feeling of discomfort. Another issue to address is the rate or speed at which we speak. When there is a hearing loss caused by damage to the inner ear, many people have difficulties to separate the top end of a word with another. The most reasonable is to speak slowly using understandable words.
Listening environments are constantly changing everyday. When talking with a person wearing headphones, we must consider what we sound environment at that time. It must be remembered ncbi that the users of hearing aids are more easily to communicate in quieter environments (eg at home, in the mountains or in small groups) in the noisier environment (eg sporting events, restaurants, the car). When possible, ncbi select sites where the environment is more favorable hearing for effective communication. If you are in a noisy situation, like at a restaurant, consider accommodating users of hearing aids through: Suggest that you be placed with their backs to the wall, avoiding the annoying sounds coming from behind. When making a reservation, ask for the table as far as possible from the kitchen and bar. Avoid places with live music. With a table with several people placed any table.
One of the biggest benefits of face to face communication is that the listener can get advantage of visual cues and reading ncbi lips. These benefits are even more important for people who have hearing ncbi loss, especially in noisy places, where the signal comes form less clear. To improve visual communication for users of hearing aids we have the following questions: Keep hands and other obstacles away from his face. Avoid talking with food in your mouth. Do not chew gum. Beard and mustache can hide las signs reading lips. The optimal ncbi capacity ncbi of lip reading occurs at a distance of 1.5 meters, and is significantly reduced from 4 meters. Converse ncbi in areas with good lighting. Avoid talking from the other room.
The headphones ncbi offer users the possibility to recover everyday sounds and conversations not felt before. This does not mean that hearing aids make the user regains hearing he had when he was young. This means that although the voice user can continue to have difficulties in understanding certain words. The implementation of a speech course, the optimization of visual cues and the moderate pace in his speech are elements that help greatly in understanding the message. Anyway must have patience if living with someone who suffers from hearing loss. Sometimes you will need to formulate or simplify the message, but avoid feeling bad, think about how you should feel the person suffering hearing loss and the difficulties experienced in its day.
An easy way to improve communication is to get the attention of users of hearing aids before beginning to speak. We call it by its name, touch her shoulder or looking for eye contact face to face, indicating that the listener want to tell you something.
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