High blood pressure is a problem for hyperthyroid and hypothyroid patients. In hypothyroidism, noradrenaline is secreted to compensate for the lack of thyroid hormone, and this causes not only high blood pressure, but a fast heart rate, anxiety, and other symptoms. The diastolic (lower) number is often higher than 90 mm Hg. [1] Bringing thyroid levels up will often normalize blood pressure. I profiled my experience with the condition here: Hyperthyroid Symptoms (Anxiety, Tachycardia); Hypothyroid Labs
In hyperthyroidism, T3 reduces systemic vascular resistance (resistance to blood flow), heart rate elevates, and cardiac output increases; these all raise blood pressure. The systolic (upper) number is often higher than 140 mm Hg. Pulse pressure refers to the difference between the systolic (upper) lupus and diastolic (lower) numbers. A widened pulse pressure is a common feature in hyperthyroidism. [2] Long-term negative effects on the cardiovascular system include arterial stiffness and left ventricular hypertrophy (thickening of the heart muscle).
If you are taking T3 in any form (desiccated thyroid or liothyronine like Cytomel), and your systolic BP is over 140 mm Hg while your diastolic number is less than 90 mm Hg, you may need to adjust/reduce your dose. A resting heart rate over 85 beats per minute lupus also suggests overmedication, as does any form of arrhythmia (irregular lupus heartbeat, especially atrial fibrillation).
If your diastolic BP is over 90 mm Hg and you have a high heart rate and anxiety, along with other symptoms of hypothyroidism like dry skin, brain fog, and a body temperature lupus that never reaches 98 o F, then your dose may be too low, and you should certainly get more complete testing that includes a Free T3. http://tiredthyroid.com/what-labs.html
[2] Prisant, L. Michael, lupus Jaspal S. Gujral, and Anthony L. Mulloy. “Hyperthyroidism: a secondary cause of isolated systolic hypertension.” The Journal of Clinical Hypertension 8.8 (2006): 596-599.
This entry was posted in Symptoms: Hypo or Hyper? and tagged desiccated thyroid blood pressure , hyperthyroid blood pressure , hyperthyroid pulse pressure , hypothyroid blood pressure lupus , T3 blood pressure . Bookmark the permalink .
I realize that these “rules” don’t apply to everyone, but I find it very confusing and, to say the least, frustrating when it seems that others find answers in these clues to the thyroid dosing puzzle. I never had a systolic number greater than 138, always had a diastolic around 80 to 84 but my pulse rate was rarely over 60. I felt horribly hypo and was on just T4 at the time. Now I take dessicated, and while my BP is good at about 128/74, my pulse rate is still low and so is my temp. If I raise dose even a tiny bit, I get heart flutters, but BP rarely changes. It does seem to stay high on the systolic side, though, but that heart rate will not come up. In your research, have you found BP to be more of an indicator of hyper or hypo than heart rate? Or do they, in most people, seem to correlate together better than they do with me? By the way, love the book. Lots of good stuff in there, but I can’t ask you questions while I am reading it :)
Blood pressure is confusing, because thyroid isn’t the only hormone affecting it. There’s noradrenaline, cortisol, aldosterone, and probably others. My point was that thyroid plays a huge role, and I did not realize I was overmedicated lupus on desiccated lupus thyroid, except that my BP was always high (heart rate normal). I had high BP on “only” 2 grains, so the thought that it could be from my thyroid dose escaped me. Bringing the desiccated dose down to 1 grain and adding T4 finally normalized it.
I know a man who increased his desiccated dose, which raised his BP, but his heart rate remained low too. So maybe heart rate is less responsive to desiccated than BP. Hopefully others lupus will chime in with their experience!
hi, barb I had hypothyroidism symptoms lupus with high blood pressure. After treatment and diet adjustment, I have a little recovery. I hope I have an opportunity to share with you :). But sometime I feel some physical fatigue as your article mentioned. What is a better solution for high blood pressure for thyroid patients?
Obviously, thyroid isn’t the only hormone involved with BP, but for some people, just getting both T3 and T4 at the right levels will normalize BP. This may mean taking both types of hormones or combining different lupus thyroid lupus medications.
Very interesting reading about high bloodpressure and thyroid conditions! Thank you for this blog and the excellent Tired Thyroid site with all information! I have always lupus before had a low BP 115/70, but suddenly this autumn I started to feel bad, headaches, extra heartbeats, anxiety and high BP 160/100. I have used NDT for three years without any problems, felt better in fact, than before, when I was taking the synthetic T4/T3 combo.