Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sandra Maria Jessen scored the only goal of Thor / KA who won 1-0 útisigur management in semi Borgu

Vsir - Umfjllun, vitl and photos: Stars - r / KA 0-1 | Alopecia Sndru s about Stjrnuna
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Sandra Maria Jessen scored the only goal of Thor / KA who won 1-0 útisigur management in semi Borgun Cup women's football spr in the evening. The star had won all its game both in the department and the cup when it came to the game tonight. Thor / KA, however, has faced an uphill struggle in the league after the team won Íslandsmeistaratitilinn last year, a key part of the team have struggled with injuries. One of them, Sandra María scored the goal important spr 82 minutes of the game. This was also the first goal of the star, taking spr the cup in the summer. Catherine Ásbjörnsdóttir had a rigorous transmission directly on the head Sandra spr Mary who headed spr in. The match was very dramatic little goal was almost the only thing worth mentioning to go. Both teams were very cautious and did not give a chance. Skills were scarce and the main goal attempts world women were shot long shots. Thor / KA was crooked fall when Kayla Grimsley June sounded off after samstuð with Sandra Sigurðardóttir goalkeeper management. Kayla hágrét and looked for her injuries were serious. It is obvious that a few weeks break has affected the players and can simulate this game a bit to debut in the spring. Thor / KA Breidablik meet in the final on 24 August. Glittering murder 1-0 victory over b-League rally in Kópavogi earlier in the evening. orlkur: Vi variables not water vn
"There is no question that there are a great disappointment of dropping out of the cup." spr Said Mr Þorlákur, training of management after the loss of their women in cities Cup tonight. "I do want to ask Thor / KA congratulations. I felt we nevertheless take the game over in the second half. From the sixtieth minute, I felt we be going to take this. "Said Luke, but their main goalscorer Harpa Þorsteinsdóttir was suspended today. Megan Lindsey new player management came into the side in place Harpa. "We clearly missed Harpa, spr it can not be denied. We were about a half striker loose and created us a lot of chances. Harpa is a goal and create a lot of goals. Does not change spr the water into wine. "" She (Megan) is not ready for more. Have not played long and will help us later in the tournament. "Þorlákur was not satisfied with his players who played or did not play, the Euro and found that those who were left in Iceland would be in a better stand than those who were going off. "We are rather ryðgaðar after holidays. We played some matches but we have five players spr in Sweden and three of them were sitting on your butt all the time and the other two were not starters so they see. It's a big bite. five of the eleven. "I do not say all they are in worse stand but this is the responsibility of the players. Mounting the EM finals and come in worse form of the world to shame háborinnar. There is no question that they are ready to be practicing h

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