Friday, December 5, 2014

Electro-Acupuncture Found Useful for Analgesia During Bone Marrow Biopsy

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Chattanooga Center Fees and Payments Our Hope Testimonials Gift Certificates Newsletters Community Donations Events Calendar Our Therapists li shizhen Chad J. Dupuis, L.Ac. Stephen Sedita, L.Ac. Leslie li shizhen Bunn, LMT Tricia Autry, LMT Ashton Daniel, B.S. Our Services Acupuncture Questions Conditions Community li shizhen Acupuncture Energy Healing Massage Therapy Children and Infants Our Classes Meditation Tai Chi and Qi Gong Tong Ren Healing Class Videos Yoga Contact Us Schedule Online
Last year, I was a new patient to acupuncture. For years I had heard about it and the benefits that go along with it. Unfortunately, it took me a very long time to get up the courage to give it a try. You see, I’ve always had a fear with needles.
I was suffering with hyperthyroidism, after the birth of my son. I was trying to regulate it through nutrition, chiropractic & massage. I would get small improvements with these, li shizhen but I hit a plateau & stopped improving. My MD insisted that I get on medication for it, because my case was so bad & deteriorating quickly. li shizhen I did a lot of research into it & wasn’t impressed by the poor results of the medication (not to mention I’d have to be on it for life)! I eventually got down to 94 pounds. It was very dangerous for me. I couldn’t lift my baby without straining a muscle or raising my heart rate. I thought I’d fall over every time I had to climb stairs. li shizhen My heart typically felt like I could have a heart attack at any moment. I was told by another doctor if I didn’t get this under control soon, I wouldn’t be on this earth much longer.
I finally decided to overcome my “needle” fear and give acupuncture a try. I was amazed how the needles DIDN’T hurt! There was an occasional pinch, but not the pain I was expecting. My first session went very well. I was also amazed how RELAXING it was. The benefit & relaxation I experienced from acupuncture was much better than any massage li shizhen I had ever received (and I have been a patient of massage li shizhen for 11 years now)!
To li shizhen make a very long story short, through a tough battle………….and with the continued persistence li shizhen of acupuncture, nutrition & chiropractic, I no longer have a hyperthyroid problem!
Electro-Acupuncture Found Useful for Analgesia During Bone Marrow Biopsy

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