Thursday, December 4, 2014

Or does it have to be? What your cat is like prior to going to the vet? There are many things owners

Hyperthyroidism is a disorder l carnitine of the thyroid gland – two small butterfly-shaped lobes located in the neck. This gland has a number of functions but is most well-known l carnitine for regulating your cat s metabolic rate. In feline hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland is overactive and results in overproduction of the thyroid hormone. This increases your cat s metabolism.
Diagnosis begins with a full examination and taking a complete history. Your veterinarian will be looking for clinical signs of hyperthyroidism during a thorough physical examination of your cat and will ask questions about your cat s health and behaviour. If hyperthyroidism is suspected, a blood test will be ordered. Baseline T4 Test or Total T4 (TT4): This is the most common test. If this test comes back positive for hypothyroidism your vet will recommend a Thyroid Profile which may inculde: TSH, Free T4 by RIA, Free T4 by ED and Baseline T3
Most symptoms of hyperthyroidism clear up after treatment. With regular scheduled check-ups every 6months to ensure correct dosage, your cat should be mostly symptom-free for the rest of its life. Hyperthyroid cats that receive proper treatment have a normal life span and are able to maintain good health. Recurrence of the disease is a possibility in cats depending on which treatment l carnitine course you choose.
NTVH has launched a new program called the Chronic Care Program. This no fee program has been set in place to benefit patients with chronic conditions and help pet owner s mange these conditions more effectively. l carnitine
Feline l carnitine hyperthyroidism is the second chronic disease that this program has launched. All participating clients will receive a package outlining the disease as well as Loyalty Card. The loyalty card provides you discounts at various places that we have set-up throughout the community. The other great thing about this program is that for every Chronic Care Exam preformed $5.00 is donated to the Oscar Fund. The Oscar Fund is a charitable l carnitine program l carnitine that NTVH has set up to help animals in need that would otherwise not receive care. Check it out on our website.
“There are few things in life more heartwarming than to be welcomed by a cat.” – Tay Hohoff When Marilena l carnitine moved out on her own, she left her Chihuahua behind with her mom and dad. He had been with them all his life and was quite attached. I did not ever think of g... Read More > Bringing your cat to vet… Why must this be an awful ordeal? By Jodi Nantais, RVT
Or does it have to be? What your cat is like prior to going to the vet? There are many things owners can do make their feline friends more comfortable leaving the comforts of their home. These easy steps make necessary l carnitine trips to the veterinarian s office much easier and maybe even enjoyable. ... Read More > Pet of the Month July: Finnigan by Nicole Arruda, CSR & ACA
All great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day at midnight. Shannon L. Alder Finnigan is a 5 year old, male, all grey cat who weighs in at about 25 pounds of pure love! He came to North Town Veterinary Hospital one day when ... Read More >
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