Saturday, March 28, 2015

Below are the most popular diseases affecting the human body - including skin diseases, genetic, fe

Below are the most popular diseases affecting the human body - including skin diseases, genetic, feminine and masculine, cancer and many others. For each specific symptoms, causes and treatments. hcg
AIDS (or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, SIDA lat. Immunitatis defectus Acquisitie syndrome, called. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is the final stage of HIV infection. It is characterized by extremely low levels of CD4.
This is wasting of the immune hcg system, thereby increasing the incidence of so-called. indicative hcg of disease (some cancers, abnormal pneumonia, hcg fungal infections), which can lead to death. ROUTES OF INFECTION
HIV can be transmitted through: Sexual approximation (preejakulant, semen, cervical mucus), even when dealing oral sex, blood contact or mucous membranes healthy person with infected blood (niewysterylizowane dental instruments, sharing needles), transmission hcg of the virus from mother to child (in case of delivery hcg complications can lead to mixing of the blood of the mother and child), blood transfusions, dialysis, surgery, receiving blood products (now rare due to the conduct of studies in the donor) transplants, tattooing (risk arises when using are the same needles, syringes, or razor blade).
This is the HIV virus that causes AIDS PREVENTION: The most effective way to prevent it is to avoid a situation in which it is possible infection, the use of condoms reduces the risk of HIV infection, circumcision reduces the risk of infection by half. AIDS Symptoms: hcg prolonged fatigue and weakness without cause, fungal yeast infection, swollen lymph nodes, hcg night sweats, the persistence of elevated body temperature without cause persistent cough, persistent sore throat for no reason, weight loss for no apparent reason, shortness of breath, chronic colds, diarrhea, bruising easily generated and the emergence of bleeding hcg for no reason. TREATMENT: AIDS treated with antibiotics and antiviral medicines, in swerze studies are now: passive immunotherapy and effective vaccine. INTERESTING: if the mother is HIV positive, there is a risk of infection of the fetus, but when these are appropriate procedures during pregnancy and childbirth hcg risk decreases significantly, the study proves the possibility of transmitting HIV through breastfeeding, there is no possibility of getting through the bite of insects with mouthparts camera ssÄ…co- stabbing eg. the mosquitoes or ticks, 25 million people died of AIDS in the years 1983- 2008, now die each year from the disease about 2 million people.
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Diseases Allergies hcg Diseases hcg and mental disorders Genetic Diet Other Women Bones joints and muscles Laryngeal Cancers Men's Skin Eye Cardiovascular Urinary tract Nervous System hcg Reproductive System The digestive system Infectious Teeth

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