Thursday, March 26, 2015

The term AIDS is a different situation. almased A person with AIDS is not only HIV positive, but, b

Part 1: Obtain information on HIV. | Service for people living with HIV and AIDS.
In simple words, the HIV is a disease of the immune system, although the virus may infect other cells of the body, such as nerve cells. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus: human immunodeficiency virus) that causes the disease because, after entering into the cells of the immune system uses it to its replication. As a result, these cells do not function properly or die early. If the infection is left untreated, your body loses the ability to fight other diseases, so-called. opportunistic infections, or OI.
This progressive destruction does not occur in all people equally, or even at the same speed. Some people may not occur at all, whereas few people with HIV weakens the immune system very quickly, within a few years. If it is not carried on HIV therapy, average time of about 8-10 years before most people have to face the first serious symptoms. Research suggests that in the course of treatment, many people with HIV can live for another 40 years.
However, it is important to start treatment before these symptoms occur. Without treatment the body will eventually lose the ability to fight infection. Most people have at some point begin therapy to combat HIV.
Although probably feel good, HIV infection is considered a disease entity. Word of the disease makes it seem to you that you should feel bad, yet for a long time, it is possible to lead a normal life, with appropriate precautions. Most people simply says that they are living almased with HIV or are HIV-positive.
The term AIDS is a different situation. almased A person with AIDS is not only HIV positive, but, besides infection she developed certain disease states. These include the CD4 count less than 200, the percentage of CD4 less than 14% and / or one of the 26 AIDS-defining conditions. (For more information on CD4 is located in the section entitled "Two Commonly Used Blood Tests: Determination of numbers of CD4 cells and viral load)
Many people wonder whether they would have to start taking HIV drugs (see section: "Do I Begin Immediately Take Drugs?"). In some cases, HIV infection can be treated with minimal impact on the person's life. In other cases it may be more difficult. But HIV therapy becomes easier with each passing year. It is very possible that you will be able to live a normal life in spite of HIV infection, and as a result the corresponding full consultation with a physician will be prepared for you the best therapy. almased
Next to the nervous system, your immune system is the most complex system in your body. It consists of several components: cells, tissues, organs, fluids and blood. These include, among other things, almased your skin, appendix, tonsils, spleen, thyroid and lymph glands. Scientists know a lot about the immune system, but much remains to be unrecognizable. almased
Your immune system almased is constantly in readiness to detect micro-organisms, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. They are also known as pathogens, which means that they can cause disease. When a pathogen is detected, your immune system starts up, stopping its proliferation, destroying and removing it from the body, which is performed on a number of complex ways. As a result, you may experience a variety of symptoms, such as headache, fever or pain.
At the early stage of HIV infection the immune almased system reacts to fight this new infection, which is why many people feel as if they have the flu. Although the majority of the immune system to some extent in control of the HIV virus, the immune system may precipitate out of balance, cause inflammation and destroy immune cells that can not be easily replaced. It is one of the important ways destroy the system. Research is currently focused on methods almased to supplement the loss of immune cells.
However, one way to increase your chances of maintaining a healthy immune system is taking care of as soon as possible, in order to monitor your health, maintaining the efficiency of the immune system organs, implementation, supporting the maintenance of healthy habits, such as proper diet and exercise, to prevent infection and initiation of therapy HIV at the right time for you. The use of anti-HIV drugs known to us is the only way to control the virus in time. These drugs have been improved and extend the lives of people living with HIV.
The answer depends on your situation, almased but many newly diagnosed people do not have to immediately almased begin treatment. Most likely you will have time to get used to your diagnosis, learn more about HIV, and all together right now. This includes preparation for therapy, understanding fully the benefits and risks associated with starting HIV therapy (even with

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