Saturday, March 21, 2015

The medical community emphasizes that fell today stereotype dot. Groups most vulnerable to infectio

Infection and HIV Symptoms | Service for people living femail with HIV and AIDS.
We know that AIDS is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is therefore not one, but more of the diseases that lead to the total impairment of the immune system. This system is no longer able to defend the body against infections that others either do not sink, or if you become sick, their system can be effectively overcome. Let us remember that AIDS does not kill itself, but allows it often quite ordinary, seemingly harmless, disease! AIDS is the last stage of symptomatic HIV infection (the virus that causes lack of resistance). From the moment of infection to the onset of the first symptoms of HIV disease usually takes many years.
The medical community emphasizes that fell today stereotype dot. Groups most vulnerable to infection. Once such risk groups were drug addicts, sex workers and persons with a homosexual femail orientation. Today, there is no risk groups, there are only risky behavior. HIV infection occurs as a result of human contact with any body fluid which contains the virus-infected cell or is present virus infected plasma. Especially dangerous is the contact femail with the blood, because it is the highest concentration of the infectious agent. To become infected fluids must be in contact with mucous membranes or injured femail skin (intact healthy skin is a barrier to the virus). Let us remember that HIV is not transmitted by saliva, urine, feces, femail sweat, tears and also touch, sneeze. There is also infect by sharing cutlery, use of shared toilet and the shared bath in the pool. HIV is transmitted by animals, mosquitoes or other insects.
Many people think that the risk of HIV and other blood-borne viruses is associated only with intravenous injections. In contrast, intramuscular or subcutaneous bind to the same risks. femail
Unfortunately, prevention femail using the vaccine is currently not yet possible. It therefore remains only the knowledge of prevention involving routes and sources of infection and reduce femail or abandon the so-called. risky behavior. We need to answer the question of whether happened situations that could expose us to the risk of infection ?!
In the initial phase of the infection, HIV enters when the body no symptoms are visible or felt. This early period of infection is called Primordial HIV infection. The first symptoms of HIV can occur when the body starts to fight an infected person with the virus and produce antibodies against it. HIV Symptoms may take the following femail forms: headaches, muscle, light swelling of lymph nodes. These are symptoms similar to flu. Universal access to information about HIV infection often causes an avalanche of suspicions femail that the case is not trivial cold symptom of primary HIV infection? Anxiety often appears completely unrelated to the time of the risky behavior (even the breakdown a few years back). femail We need to use common sense and remember that not everyone chest pain suggests femail the attack ... The same is the case.
The period of the initial infection is from 7 to 14 days, after which the symptoms disappear. The period between infection and the development of anti-HIV serological call window. It can take anywhere from a few to several weeks, and sometimes longer. This is a very dangerous situation, femail because the infected person is not aware of it and can at this time infecting other people.
After a period of primary infection is coming, usually long latency period. At this time, usually femail no indication infection. Unfortunately, the "cloak of peace" femail and remission of the symptoms of the virus begins to multiply insidiously destroying more and more CD4 + cells. This period may be very different (from 1 year to 15 years), it depends on the immune system of the patient. In the final phase of the cycle asymptomatic femail first symptoms appear indicating that the immune system is much emaciated, and that it is no longer able to defend themselves. You can find signs of ie.,:
Sudden weight loss dry, persistent cough recurrent fever or heavy night sweats very severe and unexplained fatigue enlarged axillary, inguinal and cervical lymph nodes persistent diarrhea for over a week white spots or unusual pimples on the tongue, mouth oral or throat femail red, brown, pink or purple spots on the skin level or below it in the mouth, nose or eyes addition to these symptoms join infections, and often the other serious diseases (eg. tumors). AIDS is the final stage of the disease, which is the result of HIV infection. It should be remembered that the same HIV infection often asymptomatic. Heralds the onset of symptoms, rather a real threat of AIDS. AIDS is a medical diagnosis based on certain criteria are met.

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