Sunday, February 16, 2014

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Mothers and not ready to do the same as before pregnancy, expectant fathers do not sense pre-pregnancy smoking preparation is also very significant, although you do not usually see men reading pregnancy books, taking appropriate vitamin and mineral supplements, or away from those may be hazardous to your baby's future potential smoking threats. smoking Experts believe that this man is pregnant should smoking prepare more common smoking behavior is. When a couple is trying to conceive, attention is mostly smoking focused on the body of his wife, but in fact men have half the responsibility. 1 see a doctor specialized pumping time to see a doctor, especially if you have a chronic disease, are taking certain drugs, or have impotence, ejaculation disorders, lack of libido and other issues. Certain drugs can affect the quantity or quality of sperm and cause male fertility problems. These drugs include steroids or hormones, some anti-hypertensive drugs, several smoking antibiotics, as well as for the treatment of fungal infections, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease (an inflammatory bowel disease), peptic ulcer disease and epilepsy smoking and other diseases drugs. In most cases, once the medication is stopped, these effects can be reversed. So, be sure to tell your doctor if you plan to be a father, and see if you can switch to other drugs can not safely. Although one study found that St. John's wort, and several other herbal supplements have a negative effect on sperm, but the researchers are directly smoking mixed with sperm in a supplement. Therefore, there is no evidence that these supplements can affect oral male fertility. Practicing bodybuilding anabolic steroids are often used to enhance muscle man, after detailed study researchers, there is evidence that this anabolic steroids will not only reduce sperm count, but also make the testicles shrink. Therefore, you must take all the drugs are being used to tell the doctor, whether prescription or non-prescription smoking drugs. Also, if you think you may suffer from sexually transmitted diseases, but also to tell the doctor. Sexually transmitted diseases can cause male infertility, so you need to do to check, if necessary, should be treated. If you need further examination or treatment, smoking your doctor may recommend that you see a urologist or male fertility specialist. 2 Know your family history of the disease to identify the best of your family health history. Ask your parents, siblings or other relatives, to understand what aspects of the disease they have. If they are surprised, but you are not ready to tell them that you plan to be a father, you might say, is to buy some sort of health insurance. The most important thing is to ask whether anyone had genetic or chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, smoking familial amaurosis of idiots disease or bleeding smoking disorders, such as your family,. At the same time, you should also find out whether someone your relatives have mental retardation or other developmental delays or congenital birth defects, such as heart or neural tube defects. If you have a family history of birth defects, including genetic or chromosomal abnormalities, mental retardation or other developmental smoking delays and other issues, you and your wife should go to a specialist genetic counseling aspects of information smoking out there and see what the risks facing you, and the consideration What do the screening. Your wife is doing pre-pregnancy examination or for the first time when birth, the doctor will ask her these questions, your answers will help doctors determine whether you need to let your wife do a prenatal care, or even you start trying to conceive smoking ago, the two of you do need to consider whether someone checked. 3. Dangerous smoking work environment exists to check your work place may lurk would harm your sperm danger. Regular smoking contact with the organic solution smoking (common in dry cleaners and auto shops), pesticides, heavy metals and other chemical substances will affect your sperm quality and quantity, may make you harder to get pregnant. These chemicals can also change the composition of the sperm, causing birth defects and premature birth. Since the formation of sperm from the need to fully mature three months time, so you should at least try and wife started three months smoking before pregnancy, away from these chemicals. From the Chinese Center smoking for Disease Control smoking and Prevention, you can learn more and learn how to stay away from those dangerous work environment would endanger reproductive health. 4 Institute of wealth from the baby birth (even before the baby is not born), you will be in the next few years, as your little one kept spending. But do not be afraid: if you invest 500 or 1,000 yuan a month, until your kids to college, you will be able to have a substantial amount of income. May wish to talk with financial advisers, and how to start saving money now.
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