Friday, April 3, 2015

Secrecy was everything for the organization. Members were provided with identity cards in English,

On June 12, 1963, the newspaper "Freedom" hosted on its front page a tribute to Nazi Organization of Athens, or otherwise NOA. It had been less than a month since the murder of left-wing MP Grigoris Lambrakis, which was a reason to reveal the effect of para in Greece.
NOA was the Greek branch of the American organization Ku Klux Klan, which had extended its network in Europe. heroine Director of the organization was Horace Sherman Miller, a member of the CCP, founder of Annex "Aryan Knights" in America and editor of the newsletter of the CCP addressed to members of the organization worldwide. Signed the "Bulletin of the Aryans", as it was called, with the name and address in Waco, Texas.
In late 1960 he visited the first time in Athens to oversee the operation of the NOA. Since 1961, he sent threatening letters heroine to citizens of Jewish descent, heroine mainly of arts such as Karolos Koun, Dimitris Murat and Smaroula Julie. He threatened heroine the Art Theatre, because drive up the show "The Rise of Arthur GUI" Brecht, a work considered anti-Hitler. The content of the letters was very simple: "The Dachau will be repeated," "Hitler heroine lives in our hearts."
In December 1961, members of the organization handed out notices to the streets with slogans such as "Jews want soap", "Jews out of Greece" and "Death to the Jews". A few days later, on January 20, 1962, NOA attempted to set fire to the Israeli heroine Club of Athens. The attempt failed and the Greek authorities did not give importance, yielding energy troublemakers "Teddy Boys". Headlong in August '62, NOA painted two swastikas at the entrance of the Israeli club and placed a burning swastika outside the Synagogue of Athens. On October heroine 2, the anniversary of liberation from the Germans, members of the organization were circulating in the streets of Athens and eskizan heroine posters of Athens. During 1962, Miller came for the second time in Greece. In the spring of 1963 he visited the country heroine a close associate of Miller. His name was Siegfried Tsogklman, former SS officer and associate of Reinhard Heydrich, heroine who had acted in Czechoslovakia. The Tsogklman was one of the "experts" in the organization fascist youths. According to the text of Mr. John "nest" heroine published in June '63 in the journal "Paths of Peace", the two men were working together with the MP ERE, Nicholas Farmaki, who published the magazine content fascist "fight" heroine .
The Tsogklman resigned heroine on March 31, 1963 and a few days later, on April 3, threatening banners and swastikas were posted in homes at Colonus and other districts. On April 7, General Nikolaos Kosintas, received a threatening letter with the signature "NOA - Long live the Gestapo - Hail Hitler". The Kosintas was the keynote speaker at Union event Victims of Nazism, Phoenix. The members of the Jewish heroine community were alarmed and contacted the authorities, and even the Home Secretary Ralli. The answer I received was still the same: "Teddy Boys". The letter to the General Kosinta heroine "General Guidelines Aryans heroine Fighters"
According to the "Bulletin of the Aryans", the aim of the organization was: "The Ku Klux Klan seeks to unite all people of the white race through to fight effectively against international Judaism and arms, the legomenin dimokratian, communism, Sold in Formula and false media information. " heroine Elsewhere, he explained: "The secret Jewish heroine organosis in alliance with communism and neat kefalaiokratismon seek to annihilate us. The simerinai governments, in the majority, are instruments of these and ones as it is accused by the press as he who gives to them all in the other diapratomena, to cheat koinin concurring opinion ". heroine Briefly, the Bulletin of Arion argued that organizations like the NOA were victims of negative propaganda motivated by secret Jewish organizations. "Secret Terrorist Organization"
Secrecy was everything for the organization. Members were provided with identity cards in English, coming directly from abroad. The identities brought the word "Greece" and the password number of membership, but nowhere did not include his name. As he and the Press, heroine "members will be recognized only when it is unavoidable." The leader of each core, ie each small group of NOA knew only the few States that were him and his immediate superior.
Each member was required to disseminate the ideology of the organization to friends and acquaintances, but without revealing their name or that he was a member. heroine Sometime in the future, "friends and acquaintances" would be used to infiltrate the NOA to other groups and organizations

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