Sunday, May 17, 2015

2015 (121) May (8) April (25) March (20) February (23) January (45) i am gursky. give m

2015 (121) May (8) April (25) March (20) February (23) January (45) i am gursky. give me money mesasja? maksa ära 2015 doktor vasiljev teeb veterinaarivärki ja koššerit ... suurõppus eesti jevgeenivalamu mastodon corleone Süldü järgi vett juusk suu Istusid sauna ees ja peletasid Varsti raamatuantikvariaatides! ACHTUNG phentermine Savisaare phentermine pirukad on mürgised! keel ja kirjandus Iiob maale elama Ulmekoomiks ühe pildiga sexy postcard phentermine Mothers Day postcard goog quality OE ... Happi birthday Jack sünnipäevakaart tasuta downloa ... kandinsky xxx juba teevad järgi oskaril on mandariinid vanaema juures Enlaadžment pill nuhvel leia pildilt alien 2 leia pildilt alien je suis sde itaallane tuleb tagasi HEAVY METAL! A Psych Ad Oht rahvuslikule julgeolekule GMB #jesuismuhammad Süütu vanamemm bordellis Tartu linnavolinik: jäin ratastoolis jääknähtudega ... Everybody PUTS GALERII: Sittuv prohvet phentermine Muhamed Pariisis ühel vara ... #JeSuisVarro Do not stygmatize European Minority! #ichbineinwien ... mida te teete Prophet Centipede His Master's Voice Para Web XX Doggy Style me vähemalt proovisime lost Võlaõigusseadus parem kui reform 2014 (319) December (16) November (30) October (28) September (31 ) August phentermine (18) July (6) June (20) May (20) April (30) March (43) February (35) January (42) 2013 (278) December (24 ) November (23) October (19) September (29) August (10) July (7) June (13) May (13) April (27) March (29) February (46 ) January (38) 2012 (257) December (17) November (9) October (22) September (36) August (21) July (16) June (4) May (16 ) April (19) March (18) February (44) January (35) 2011 (395) December phentermine (30) November (21) October (30) September (60) August (23 ) July (14) June (22) May (9) April (48) March (52) February (36) January (50) 2010 (267) December (35) November (41 ) October (33) September (26) August (5) July (10) June (11) May (32) April (14) March (20) February (31) January (9 ) 2009 (203) December (3) November (11) October (15) September (9) August (12) July (4) June (16) May (36) April (17 ) March (16) February (22) January (42) 2008 (215) December (22) November (22) October (30) September (15) August (2) July (9 ) June (15) May (29) April (71)
I lost, like an animal in a pen. Somewhere people will, light, and noise of the chase after me, I go out there. Dark wood and the shore of the pond, eating dumped logs. The path is cut off from everywhere. Come what may, all the same. What have I done for filth, I'm a murderer and a villain? I made the whole world cry over the beauty of my land. Even so, almost at the tomb, believe me, the time will come - Silas meanness and malice will overcome the spirit of good.
Blogis leiduvate fototöötluste, joonistuste, tekstide ning väliste lingitud materjalide eesmärk ei ole õhutada vaenu. Tegemist phentermine on kunstiga, mis on tehtud selleks, et arendada loovat mõtlemist, kasutades selleks vajadusel provokatiivesid meetmeid. All contents of the blog (photos, montages, drawings, text, links etc) are made with universal peace and love in mind and should be received and perceived solely as art. Political and other kind of provocations in this blog are used only as catalyst for creative thinking and as fuel of thoughts for blog visitors. The authors of this blog do not promote violence. Kontakt / Contac (suunatud aadress / it's a forwarded address)

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