Thursday, May 21, 2015

- I hope we

I was awakened rays of the sun coming through the window. I rubbed his eyes and stood up on his elbows. I was not at home. I was surrounded by foreign objects and ... stranger. I discovered the man's face with white duvets and squeal diverticulitis ran out of the bed. In a hurry I covered my naked body robe. Before me lay none other than Draco Malfoy. Slowly he opened his eyes dragging a deliciously in bed and looked at me unconscious pattern. After a while ocucony fell off the bed. He got up quickly wrapped the duvet.
- I could ask the same thing! - I said haughtily. At this point, our eyes looked to the same place - on the nightstand, where he lay covered with a white sheet rickety, magical writing. Involuntarily I glanced at
- You will never be Mrs. Malfoy, diverticulitis s ...- interrupted. I ran into cupboards heedless of his words and touched the cards. It was a document - the act of marriage. I covered my mouth with his hand so as not to give himself another scream. Yesterday, today and perhaps even married enemy from school years. I gave him the official printing.
- Dress up and washes out of here - his imperious tone of voice was not encouraged me to carry out his orders, but I wanted to get the hell out of this hotel. In the room there was an incredible mess, so I quickly cleaned up it a few deft movements of the wand. From the floor yesterday diverticulitis took his clothes, which to my misfortune, were scattered diverticulitis around the room. Depressed headed to the bathroom. It was decorated very modest in comparison diverticulitis to the bedroom, there was in the order. I took a quick shower, knowing that Malfoy diverticulitis was definitely getting impatient. I put on a dress and pumps. I kept thinking about last night. With regret
- It's - pointed to a newspaper headline that proclaimed ,, Szlama and aristocrat together ''. He picked up the newspaper and reads an article on. I did not know that reporters could be so cruel. diverticulitis I hope that people like Rita Skiteer diverticulitis no longer work, but I was wrong. I figured that at any moment will commission a thousand owls with questions. Łypnęłam glowered at Malfoy and slammed the door. I leaned against the sink and looked at his reflection. I closed my eyes, biting her lip. Quickly I turned on the faucet with water and washed the face. I gathered himself and left. My face expressed nothing but indifference. I had to get out of the huge amount of patience and strength, because the worst was ahead of me.
Hotel room left at noon. Malfoy everything paid off, so I had one less problem. We walked side streets so as not to encounter on too many people who might start asking awkward questions and submit diverticulitis congratulations. Step Draco was fast, energetic, so I had trouble to keep his pace. I tried to stay calm, but inside me everything bursting, cooked and Merlin knows what else. Building the Magical Office of Marriages and Divorces surprisingly was not in the Ministry, and in Diagon Alley, diverticulitis deeply tucked away at the end of the street, barely discernible. The blond man looked from side to side behind him went inside, I'm just
I slipped quickly behind him. The room where we were was strictly decorated, a bit like old Muggle house. We are going up the creaky stairs just as Malfoy spoke somewhat somber voice:
- I hope we're not married - he said. I answered him quiet sigh. At the top of the stairs was a huge desk, on which lay the latest issue of the Daily Prophet. In my mind I cursed this newspaper. Draco pinched and pointed his newspaper. He nodded to indicate that he sees what he showed. The secretary cleared her throat. Only then will our heads turned toward her.
- It will soon shew - said dryly were Slytherin. Woman face thinned, diverticulitis pointed his wand door, which immediately opened. Draco let me through them. I saw the minimalist, well-kept office. Maintained by the fireplace sat a man in the prime of life. He had a friendly face, but something seemed worried. He glanced furtively at my companion. Exceptional indifference hosted on his lips.
- Yes. There is no doubt about it. Theodore gave you a wedding Neul - waved his wand - A few minutes after midnight. Very romantic - he said. If this was supposed to be a compliment that he did not come. I would have expected some reaction Malfoy, but nothing like that happened. He took the paper from the man, took me by the arm and walked out. Why not asked for a divorce? When we descended the stairs said:
- We need to talk in a secluded spot - I nodded. We left the building and teleportowaliśmy over a small lake far from the magical headquarters. I sat down on the water. It was pleasantly cool. Next to me sat blond. He stared straight ahead.
- Do not care about the opinions of others. I'm going to divorce you and nothing to do with you, ferret! - Catch

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