Friday, February 20, 2015


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Patients were divided into three groups - a dummy treatment, care and treatment of low-frequency high frequency. Among patients frequently observed an average improvement of 27% in symptoms. The benefit was statistically significant in the face of grouping dummy treatment (p = 0.0003). The percentage of the benefit depression in the low frequency group was 13% and did not reach statistical significance, whereas the control group not shown significant improvement in the percentage depression of the benefit in symptoms.
The percentage of patients who responded depression fully to treatment was 28% in both treatment groups (low and high frequency). Improvement in patients in the study protocol was defined as a decrease depression of at least 35% of the severity of symptoms, as measured through a questionnaire YBOCS, which is a questionnaire for examining depression the severity of OCD symptoms.
It was reported that the company is noted that the study was originally meant to encompass a greater amount of patients but after receiving the results, especially in light of the statistical Movhkotn, principal investigator decided to treat these results as final results in this study in its current form.
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