Monday, February 23, 2015

Two years ago I started thinking aggression toward people close. Six months ago, began anxiety foll

Pure obsessions. Form of OCD. | Psychiatrist asd Online
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder usually includes intrusive and unwanted thoughts that cause usually the type of compulsive behavior (called rituals). Those who have seen the film "the best there is, with Jack Nicholson know what I mean, when he refuses to touch the silverware asd restaurant or step on the lines of the sidewalk. But there is a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder is common not only obsessing asd expressed without compulsions, and is pure obsession.
People with pure obsession, suddenly have thoughts or images of terrible things, when it is usually thought that the person himself does something terrible. These thoughts do not cause a person to do something, and in fact the very thought of doing what your obsessions think is horrifying and loathing. However, obsessions are repeated over and over again, unwanted and unpleasant. There are usually several types of such thoughts: aggressive obsessions. Most aggressive thoughts are directed toward a loved one or helpless. For example, a mother who thinks she stab her child through a kitchen knife., Or a man who has a mind to hit someone on the street for no reason. Sometimes asd thoughts even more horrific scariest horror movie you just saw. It is important to remember that these thoughts asd are not "voice commands" is reserved for the person to do this act (such as schizophrenia), but the person understands asked his thoughts. Sexual obsessions shame the Thinker (usually homosexuality). Reflections may be to kiss a man standing asd in front of you, or a woman who sits in front of you. Not bring thoughts of sexual arousal and stimulation, but a sense of shame and fear. A client might think would repeat "Moses has a large penis." The thought meaningless but is disturbing asd and annoying, and does not stop. Aovvsiot of disgust. These thoughts arouse disgust in everyone thinks the same, but if you tell them to someone asd else they will provoke Gichoh, and therefore even more embarrassing the thinker. For example, a person thinks how he will kiss a monkey's ass baboon, or how he will drink urine Request drink. Obsessions of sins. A whole range of thoughts about violations of the laws of religion. It does not matter really what religion, but it is religion that you and your environment believe it. For example, asd a Christian man's thoughts that he curses the Christ, or a Jew who is violating the Sabbath or acts against the commandments of God. There is nothing that really characterizes with pure obsessions. It is not clear why some people develop only obsessions and who develop obsessions and compulsions also (rituals). asd Some say that people become obsessed people are very rigid in their behavior and detainees, and strong moral character. They may have obsessive thoughts for a second attempt to break the limited framework of the rigid behavior. I think this is too simplistic thinking can not express the real causes of obsessions and Max is a partial explanation. Pure obsessions treatment. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, as is easy superpower is a significant nuisance quality of life. When obsessions become severe, they can completely disrupt the life and severely impair daily functioning. Obsessive thoughts pure obsession situations not interfere with the function itself, but interfere with a person's mood gets them. Both unpleasant and uncomfortable, but nothing more. Therefore, treatment should help the patient understand a few things: such thoughts in a person who has not lead to pure obsessions asd never any real action. Some people do terrible things mighty sins or sinners, but they are not horrified at the thought of the act they are doing, or the act itself. So about aggressive thoughts, disgusting or sexuality. Not gay homosexual sexual act disgusted, like heterosexual sex is not disgusted with the opposite sex. Obsessive thoughts existence does not mean that the people asd who have them have a moral problem. On the contrary, the situation is usually the opposite. When talking to someone about thoughts (as in cases where someone talks about his fantasies), usually causes a reduction in the intensity of thoughts and their impact. asd Treatment can include a number of proven therapeutic tools, particularly the cognitive approach to psychotherapy, and medication by a psychiatrist. In many cases it is also possible to combine the two types of treatment and may even consider a few good treatment modalities such as hypnosis or biofeedback. In any case, what is clear is that if you have pure obsessions should seek treatment as soon as possible because obsessions do not pass on their own and there is no reason asd in the world will continue asd to suffer.
Ziv: - I think the most important thing is to start triviality easy to miss: It's okay. It is normal. It happens, it happens to many others, it happens ...
Two years ago I started thinking aggression toward people close. Six months ago, began anxiety following the contact ended, I started drinking Cipralex. At first, increased anxiety and after two months began to weaken. Today I drink 15 mg. Still I feel anxious asd but less, but what happens is that I feel almost constant restlessness and thoughts increased and it makes me even more anxious. Is Cipralex can be related asd to overcome nervousness and thoughts follow? By Jordan Lewinsky: asd Day Tuesday, March 26, 2013 at 15:37
I am 40 years old suffering from obsessions asd without Komflsiot, asd and I must say they are very disturbing, recommended the Cipralex 10mg at family doctor prescribed me Rmotib 500 I'm on for a year now, is it desirable to first deal by calls, and if it does not help to the ball, or drug treatment should start instantly. Thanks in advance !! By Jordan Lewinsky: Saturday, October 11, 2014 at 18:11
Jordan Lewinsky is a psychiatrist, works as a psychiatrist Main Dan-Petah Tikva district general health and in private practice. Used to be a senior in Internet companies, at the same time he founded and developed several projects in the public interest, that work today. More details.
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