Monday, February 23, 2015

Hello I wanted to share with you about never tell any one in the world I am inclined to the other s

OCD of sexual rosacea orientation | Online psychiatrist
Obsessive compulsive sexual orientation is a relatively common phenomenon manifested distressing disturbing thoughts on the subject of man's sexual orientation. rosacea In the past there was a misconception that people obsessing-gay, but the truth is that this phenomenon can also occur in heterosexuals equally. rosacea
Most of the suffering of those suffering from obsessive rosacea compulsive sexual orientation is disturbing thoughts of a person suffering from thoughts S"tokfot "his sexual orientation, for example homosexual who has recurrent thoughts about being" straight ". The main expression of thoughts is not necessarily the thoughts which attack a person's sexual identity, but thoughts of doubt that he really knows his sexual orientation, at the same time very great fear that the same person can not live a life of true love with the spouse he lived with him, because this fear. Just as a person with obsessive thoughts of infection busy all the time about whether it dirty, but there is even more inner fear he will never be able to be truly "pollution-free".
In most cases, people who suffer from this disorder there is no prejudice or opposition to homosexuality rosacea or heterosexuality. On the contrary, in most cases these are people actually open-minded and liberal, who are willing to accept those who are different and it does not bother them at all others have a different orientation. Another thing that characterizes these people, is that they are often not meet the definition of "stereotype" certain species. That is the straight suffering from thinking he was gay was not considered rosacea by the environment rosacea in general as someone who meets a gay stereotype. In many cases, obsessions cause him to think that things that are considered seemingly straight and gay things considered prima facie evidence in any option that he was gay, even though he was not like that.
It is important to say here, that the very existence rosacea of obsessions no evidence that the person has a particular sexual orientation. Gay with disturbing thoughts on the subject can have a clear sexual orientation and still suffer significant of these thoughts. People with obsessive thoughts such suffer from anxiety, lack of concentration and lack of pleasure and these symptoms are causing them to feel dissatisfied when sexual interaction, which immediately increases the anxiety "that I really do not who I am." This cycle only intensifies itself from day to day.
The end result of the uncertainty that floods the same person, is endless preoccupation with the question "Do I went to X", "Is X pulls"? You have to remember that almost everyone can identify someone attractive, even if it is of the same sex, even if the other gender. When we find someone attractive, we want to be around him. People with OCD of orientation is also afraid to go looked after. Homosexuals are afraid to find out they straights and straight rosacea afraid to go to a psychologist to tell them that the thoughts are right and they actually gay, although in most cases (99.9%) after treatment of sexual orientation remains unchanged. OCD treatment rosacea of sexual orientation.
OCD can cause distress, depression and severe functional impairment. Rare it disappears without treatment. The accumulated experience has taught us a combined treatment (treatment of psychiatric medication with psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral approach) is most effective in dealing with the disorder. In addition, related disorders should be considered if there are such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse, rosacea etc., and must consider a dynamic approach to psychotherapy if the picture is more complex.
Behavior therapy is a treatment based on the techniques of "exposure and response prevention". During treatment the patient is exposed to factors that trigger anxiety or guilt and stimulate the obsessive thoughts, either directly (such as exposure to frightening thoughts or situations) or guided imagery. Then encourage him or prevented from making the compulsions that it was normally do to lower the anxiety. For example, a person suffering from obsessive thoughts guided pollution to touch something rosacea he thinks he is contaminated, then avoid washing hands for as long as possible. Gradually the patient achieves a lower level of anxiety rosacea and more until he is able to deal with obsessive thoughts without resorting to compulsions confiscated from him for a long time. These treatments are very effective rosacea and help to prevent recurrence after initial recovery. rosacea
The success of such treatment depends on several important factors: the therapist should be trained in the therapeutic process, the patient should rosacea be very motivated patient's family should be involved. This is a meeting with the patient takes longer limited to the patient are "homework" he has to do between sessions and family to make sure they will be made. If a situation the patient goes home after treatment, where he continues without interruption performing compulsions, will not help even years of cognitive therapy.
Hannah says: Dr. saved I take Sorkst anxiety panic 13 years, ever since I was just gaining weight rosacea - 20 pounds ...
Hello I wanted to share with you about never tell any one in the world I am inclined to the other side with even though I made it in life and I am proud of that I want to know if there's any medication for life that I will be a regular guy. In summary you to contact me and I will be happy with you delete Thudah Hzoati if it was not! By Eli: Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 14:03
What if I identify with what it says but it can be said that I gave in and I'm not doing all the thoughts that are supposed to reduce stress after nagging thought? Suppose costs worrying, I get the feeling of disgust and fear, and say to myself, okay, nothing to do ... From Yochai: Saturday, 01 February 2014 at 1:34
Over 50 years there suffering and looking for things you wrote here ... I wish that read thousands of pages on the subject. Other cases. rosacea Interesting and so is suitable for Li.aich can know and read by

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