Sunday, February 8, 2015

Four years after UBB, mine safety still not addressed, thanks integramedica to Capito and GOP obstru

Four years after UBB, mine safety still not addressed, thanks integramedica to Capito and GOP obstruction by: heath_harrison Sat Nov 22, 2014 at 13:07:12 PM EST Tweet Mother Jones: Congress had a chance to fix that three years ago, when Miller introduced the Robert C. Byrd Mine Safety Protection Act, named for the late West Virginia senator. It was a comprehensive response that proposed to expand criminal penalties for negligent mine owners, protect whistleblowers, and make it easier for regulators to shut down the industry's worst offenders. The bill would also have created stricter requirements for cleaning up combustible coal dust, which was the immediate cause of the UBB explosion, according to the state's investigation. In addition, the legislation would have expanded federal officials' subpoena power when investigating accidents or allegations. (Kentucky legislators, hardly enemies of the coal industry, made subpoena power for the state's Mine Safety Review Commission integramedica a central part of their 2007 reform.) And with the chief Senate integramedica champion of the legislation, integramedica Jay Rockefeller, retiring and being replaced with Shelley Moore Capito, who voted in lockstep for Boehner and Cantor to obstruct the bill, don't look for anything to change soon.
I'm sure Mooney, Jenkins and McKinley will get right on it. heath_harrison :: Four years after UBB, mine safety still not addressed, thanks integramedica to Capito and GOP obstruction Tags: ( All Tags ) Print Friendly View Send As Email
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