Attention deficit hyperactivity Israel, ADHD IN ISRAEL aspergers - Dr. Shlomi Antebi. Specialist in ADHD. Diagnosis, treatment, and counseling, disorders and hyperactivity and comorbidity in children and adults. For an appointment insureds of "Maccabi" clinic "Levels" Rothschild 15 Rishon Lezion, phones : 3555 *, 1-700-50-53-53. To schedule a "private visit" to a private clinic in areas like Tel Aviv, Tel: 03-9676869 Fax: 03-9676865 Copyright Dr. Shlomi Antebi. You may not copy, distribute, reproduce, photographed, translated, stored in databases, display some way media, print, electronic or otherwise, without the express written permission from the author Dr. Shlomi Antebi. Search Main Menu
Dr. Antebi Hello, I am a pediatrician national health maintenance organization in Center, also in Ipros company, and visits your site frequently to keep up with developments you tell them, and learn the stories of cases. First, I wanted to thank you for all the knowledge and expertise you share with us, and specify the materials you gather help me greatly to good professional in front of my patients. I've seen you refer to from time to time for consultation from the doctors, so I wanted to consult about a patient: a boy of 9.5, who suffers from ADHD and probably at the same time the problem behavior. Is argues that child brilliant and clever, who has difficulty in school following the difficulties of the concentration of which he suffers. The child began treatment with Ritalin (Daitrna) six months ago, with a significant improvement in concentration and some improvement in behavior problems. The child is treated Bdaitrna (though inferior economic status aspergers is paying the money it has no labels) because the child refuses to take pills and even powder by mouth. dose it takes is a sticker of 40, and is sufficient for him to 9 hours of instruction. So he takes off the sticker. The problem is the afternoon, then after a break of about 3 hours There are two more hours of study, then the teacher cheder "complaining that the child can not at all to concentrate, and disturbing the class. I will note that my understanding there is a psychological component aspergers / psychiatric, possibly even a phobia or anxiety of the situation of taking pills, and other behavioral components, So I Do psychotherapy at the same time. Will asked me to help her, and the first to recommend whether to download or leave the patches (which should in any case only work for 12 hours), or find a different solution in the afternoon. I would be happy if you could advise me on the subject - Should you leave the patches beyond 12 hours? Maybe you should increase the dose? In addition, I ask whether your experience, such a combination of ADHD and conduct disorder treated by a psychologist appropriate, especially in light of my impression that there is an element aspergers of OCD, which can be treated, I also believe that age by cognitive therapy, or who psychiatric aspergers intervention? Dr. Shlomi Antebi's aspergers response: Dear Dr. fair, cheers for your feedback for the ADHD. I try to instill knowledge and experience in dealing with ADHD doctors or interested in it. Great satisfaction for me to hear from doctors like you are assisted in the conduct of professional work. And with regard to your question, You have given your patient well-child of 9.5, according Taorc: 1. suffer from this disorder is accompanied by a rebellion objects (ODD) and / or conduct disorder (CD), and / or OCD. 2. The child is treated with Ritalin patch (Dieutre) of 40. I assume that you mean it takes Sticker Dieutre 15 that is equivalent to 40 mg of methylphenidate, and does not take sticker 40 that is equivalent to 110 mg of Ritalin, which is certainly very unusual dose 9.5 years old child. 3. In such cases of attention deficit disorder with conduct disorder accompanied and / or OCD have always combine individual therapy cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (BCT or otherwise) to be given by a clinical child psychologist. And also desirable parental guidance. 4. In light of the child's needs would leave the The patch by the end of the day rather than spending after 9 hours, in anticipation that it will provide a solution to hours of study in the afternoon. If it takes Dieutre 15, it is possible if necessary to get the dose of Dieutre aspergers 20 it equivalent Lmtilfnidat 55 mg. (Consider how much weigh?) 5. Combination drug therapy with cognitive therapy can provide at this time. But if there is deterioration aspergers in behavior or OCD despite treatment - it would be advisable to refer him to a psychiatrist for consultation children. Then another drug treatment will be considered a specific behavior of Wall OCD. 6. I have discussed the issue on ADHD + OCD Here are two links that: (opening mark and press the left button) aspergers a. Attached is a link in. Obsessive behavior. Hope I answered your question, if you ask to find out more I'll be happy to be of service. Sincerely, Dr. Shlomi Antebi. Thanks for your response, an expert in pediatrics National Health Fund.
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