Thursday, February 19, 2015

Attention deficit hyperactivity Israel, ADHD IN ISRAEL - Dr. Shlomi Antebi. Specialist in ADHD. Dia

Attention deficit hyperactivity Israel, ADHD IN ISRAEL - Dr. Shlomi Antebi. Specialist in ADHD. Diagnosis, treatment, and counseling, disorders and hyperactivity and comorbidity in children and adults. For an appointment insureds of "Maccabi" clinic "Levels" Rothschild 15 Rishon Lezion, phones : 3555 *, 1-700-50-53-53. To schedule a "private visit" to a private clinic in areas like Tel Aviv, Tel: 03-9676869 Fax: 03-9676865 Copyright Dr. Shlomi Antebi. You may not copy, distribute, reproduce, photographed, translated, stored in databases, display some way media, print, electronic or otherwise, without the express written permission from the author Dr. Shlomi Antebi. sad Search Main Menu
Telephone Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy sad for Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Non-Inferiority Trial, Cynthia M. Turner, Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Article in Press
Many adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD compulsive obsession) sad has no access to evidence-based treatment. A study conducted at a specialist clinic OCD tried to assess the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy by telephone (TCBT) for adolescents with OCD when compared to standard CBT face to face.
The study involved 72 adolescents aged 11-18 years with primary OCD, whose parents were randomized to receive TCBT by an expert or CBT. The intervention was different only method (methodology) of the transfer of treatment. All participants received up to 14 sessions of CBT, combining exposure with response prevention (E / RP), given by experienced therapists. index evaluation was primarily sad on the scale of the Yale-Brown: Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale: CY-BOCS ratings evaluation blind were obtained after treatment of 3 months, 6 months, and 12 month follow-up. The results showed that cognitive behavioral therapy over the phone (TCBT) was not inferior than CBT in person, after treatment and follow-up of 3 months, and 6 months. After 12 months of follow-up, no significant differences were found between the groups. Although improvements made during treatment were maintained for up to 12 months of follow-up. All participants reported high levels of satisfaction with the intervention Skiblo.mshma, TCBT effective treatment is not inferior from CBT at least up to 6 rooms. It provides a means for professional care more accessible to youth many with OCD. My comments: If it is demonstrated that CBT is as effective as CBT telephone standard, and this may allow more children and adolescents receive timely sad and responsive handling. Unfortunately, the situation today is that there are many children who need to CBT do not receive it. Incidentally, in the past month came to my office for consultation 5 cases of ADHD + OCD. Each child / e was different expression. Two were treated with Fsichustimolnt, sad each received an SSRI, then took Risperdal, sad another received only CBT. All five should probably get CBT, and for various reasons were not given (except sad one). OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder OCD) often is stubborn and difficult, so every child with suspected ADHD OCD should be referred immediately for evaluation and treatment by a child psychiatrist where he belongs. Knowledge, general algorithm for the treatment sad of OCD (ADHD) is, as I mentioned before on: OCD easy - cognitive behavioral therapy psychotherapy sad (CBT) aims to obsessive-compulsive sad disorder. OCD is hard - with a family history should be added medication with Seroxat- paroxemine: SSRI Fluoxetine - Prozac; luvoxamine; Sertraline. OCD looked into very difficult sometimes necessary Antidfrsnt combination of SSRI + antipsychotic such as risperidone
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