Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This disorder appears in DSM and may be detected only by a psychiatrist. It is defined as an anxiet

OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Voices
OCD is a mental disorder anxiety disorders jehovah witness family, which is characterized by intrusive thoughts (O - obsessive) which will be followed by any coercive action (C - Compulsive). It can be obsessive thinking about whether I locked the door? Do I shut off the gas? The thought will be troublesome, the person can not control the appearance of the thought and will not go away until the relaxing action will be carried out, go see if the door is locked and if the gas is closed.
After that action relaxes anxiety and thought, but they can reappear after a few minutes. One can not deal with anything else and can not function and concentrate on anything anyone jehovah witness except her worrying. Obsessive jehovah witness Compulsive Disorder jehovah witness - an expanded definition
This disorder appears in DSM and may be detected only by a psychiatrist. It is defined as an anxiety disorder characterized by using a pattern of obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors repetitive, causing great distress to man, consumed him for a long time during the work hours of the day and disruptive to their lives and function in relationships with others and work.
Obsessions are all thought, an idea, an image, which pushed disturbing intruders in involuntary ads. Content of the thoughts will usually associated with a fear of something, fear which has no basis in reality. At the initial stage of the disease thoughts are experienced person as reasonable.
There are types of obsessions which are more common than others. Many of those with the disorder will report similar content of thoughts, such as fear of bacteria jehovah witness and contamination, fear from violence, excessive concern over that particular act was not carried out properly, excessive concern over the safety of others, fear of losing an important possession, compulsive jehovah witness need a certain order, anxiety sounds, words or some-image, small defects compulsive picking insignificant in the face or body (Body dysmorphic disorder) and the like. Compulsions
The purpose is to prevent the compulsive jehovah witness behaviors jehovah witness or disable the inconvenience jehovah witness or anxiety that are caused thoughts Htordniot.hhtnagoiot are performed according to very specific rules. The person performing them only by the same rules, rules are defined, which are also called 'rituals'.
Behaviors are performed in an inner sense of necessity, even if a person has a resistance Mlbtzan has something familiar that they have no rational basis. However, the more he tries more to avoid these behaviors, tension rises. The tension causes a greater urge to perform the behaviors and released with the execution, but very briefly.
Disorder treatment is done by psychotherapy, medication, jehovah witness and other deep brain stimulation, to relieve symptoms of the disorder. Drug therapy include drugs that inhibit serotonin dismantling the central nervous system. Therapy that is more effective in treating the disorder is cognitive behavioral therapy, which is effective for most anxiety disorders.
Treating the patient learns how to control the symptoms of the disease, to avoid reduction of the ritual and a sense of anxiety. The combination of medication and cognitive jehovah witness behavioral therapy is the most effective and successful major changes in the physical condition, emotional and behavior of the patient. For details, anxiety disorders
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